What Day is Thanksgiving This Year 2023? 4th Thursday of November

Have you spent your year making plans for Thanksgiving? Hurry up, we don’t have much time to await. Thanksgiving is perfect promise of family, friends and lots of food around. But What day is thanksgiving this year? I’m pretty sure this question has crossed your mind on your busy day. We know that thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated with great joy and gratitude towards your loved ones every year.

Thanksgiving Day

If you are planning to host a family dinner on thanksgiving hence, be certain to check out the dates before planning. Though we expect the day of thanksgiving to remain same it changes almost every year. Here is more detailed information about thanksgiving 2023.

What Day is Thanksgiving This Year?

We may assume thanksgiving is much farther away, but it is time for you to gather all your plans and dinner ideas together. We are on a loss of days as Thanksgiving Day 2023 falls on 23rd of November which is officially the 4th Thursday of November.

Thanksgiving marks the start of festive season every fall. This thanksgiving is the best festival to get together with your family and peers be certain to seize your day with lots of gleams.  

When is Thanksgiving 2023?

Apple Pie, Cranberries, football games, Turkey, and Parades absolutely assure us of Thanksgiving. This year thanksgiving falls on the 23rd of November the fourth Thursday of November as we all know. Though it was celebrated on the 24th of November last year, this year we lost a day.

I also advise you to plan everything a day before thanksgiving, as we know that most of the retail stores are closed on thanksgiving as it is a national holiday.

Why is Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November?

Don’t worry, if you fail to memorize the date of thanksgiving this year it is twisty but easy to remember with this trick. Thanksgiving is generally celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November of because of an interesting yet historic story behind it.

Do you know this was an unpopular declaration by Roosevelt on November 26, 1941, where he signed a bill? The bill he signed declared the fourth Thursday of November was officially thanksgiving for next couple of years. But the legislation was also meant that no one else can’t change the date.

Why is Thanksgiving Always on a Thursday?

Thanksgiving is all about expressing our gratitude. We all know that the culture of celebrating thanksgiving on Thursday started earlier. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared to celebrate Thanksgiving. And he announced the holiday to be on the last Thursday in November.

And then in 1930s, it was retailers who initially complained about the November with five Thursdays. The retailers also complained this schedule didn’t leave enough time to shop for Thanksgiving. Most leaders also choose Thursday to celebrate thanksgiving as it wouldn’t restrict the church service.


Thanksgiving is the happiest festival we celebrate every fall. Maybe a short trip to your favorite place or celebrating it at home with peers, this fall is perfect pick. Let me know more about your plans on thanksgiving celebrations this year.

Also, don’t forget to comment about your favorite thanksgiving recipes and your ideas on expressing gratitude. Hope you have a gleamy thanksgiving guys!

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